Friday, July 25, 2008

The Summer 2008 Sleeping festival....

So, another semester has ended, and I am so ready to go back to sleep. I haven't slept too well lately and I am exhausted. Hooray for sleep!!! Today was a bad one, but I have hope for the future that I can go swimming tomorrow and just chill. Hopefully I won't get burned this time. Not even a tan, I just got a 2nd degree burn from sitting on a hot lawn chair. Sucky! I do have a new phrase now that I love. It is "What the random?". Thanks Tracy!!! This phrase has brought me joy. Well after my horrible day I think I will go and punch dance out my rage. Peace!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Sleep tight my little one! I am glad that school is going well and that you may have a little piece and quiet for a day or two!